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Classical Art From Greece To Rome

Classical Art: From Greece to Rome

By Mary Beard and John Henderson


The study of classical art provides a unique window into the minds of the Greeks and Romans. Through their art, we can learn about their beliefs, values, and daily lives. This book offers a comprehensive overview of classical art, from its origins in Greece to its development in Rome. It explores the major themes and styles of classical art, and provides a rich selection of images to illustrate the discussion.

The Origins of Classical Art

Classical art has its origins in the art of ancient Greece. The Greeks were the first people to develop a naturalistic style of art, which depicted human figures in a realistic and idealized way. They also developed a number of new techniques, such as foreshortening and perspective, which allowed them to create the illusion of depth in their work.

The Development of Classical Art in Rome

The Romans adopted many of the artistic techniques and styles of the Greeks. However, they also developed their own unique style of art, which was more realistic and less idealized than Greek art. The Romans also used art to glorify their military victories and to promote their political agenda.

The Legacy of Classical Art

Classical art has had a profound impact on Western culture. The Renaissance artists of the 14th and 15th centuries drew inspiration from classical art, and the classical style has been revived in various forms throughout history. Classical art continues to be studied and admired today, and it remains a source of inspiration for artists and scholars.


Classical art is a rich and complex subject that offers a unique window into the minds of the Greeks and Romans. This book provides a comprehensive overview of classical art, and it will be of interest to anyone who is interested in this fascinating period of history.
